Start of Term Arrangements in response to Covid-19
31st December 2020
Dear Parent/Carer(s)
In response to the Government’s announcement yesterday regarding the start of term, I write to confirm the arrangements for students attending Shooters Hill 6th Form College from next week. All students learning will be delivered remotely from the 5th January 2021, apart from those with an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) who have not been told to isolate and those who have not got access to remote learning technology. These students should attend their normal timetabled lessons.
There are several examinations taking place next week in a range of subjects and these will go ahead as planned with social distancing measures in place. If this applies to your young person, they will be notified and reminded via text message 24 hours before the exam takes place.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich have set up a dedicated COVID testing centre at Charlton Athletic Football Stadium for students and staff attending Greenwich schools and colleges. We strongly advise that if your young person is listed above and attending college next week that they are tested prior to attendance. You can book the test by using the following link.
From the 11th January we will start to undertake a COVID testing programme on site, with the intention of all students returning by the 18th January 2021. Students will be contacted via text message with a date and time to attend college and be tested. Students will then sign a consent form agreeing to the test. It is important that you discuss this with them and agree to the test.
If your young person is not on site and entitled to Free School Meals, food vouchers will be sent to the student SHC email address and can be used at any Tesco store.
It is important to note, you should contact the College safeguarding officer alex.rolfe@shc.ac.uk or 0208 319 9724 if you or anyone in your household are tested positive for Covid-19 within 48 hours of the last time your child was on site. Senior leaders will then be able to identify and advise students and staff they have been in close contact and will need to isolate themselves.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J. Atkinson Principal