29 Oct 2024
Welcome to the Parent/Carer Information Centre. The information below should help you support your young person while they study with us. If you have any further questions, you can call us anytime from 9am to 4pm on 020 8319 9700.
FSM – Free School Meals
Students in education who previously received Free School meals are automatically entitled. Please complete a Bursary form as soon as possible to claim.
Students who have not previously had FSM can also claim.
Oyster Information
Oyster Information
The 16+ Zip Oyster photo card scheme enables full-time students aged 16–18 who live in a London Borough to travel free on buses and trams. The 18+ Student Oyster card is for students who are 19 and over at the start of the academic year and enrolled on a full time course; they can save 30 per cent of the price of adult rate travel cards, bus and tram passes.
Apply online at: www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets
Bursary Information
Students aged 16–19 who are in care, care leavers, claiming Income Support/Universal Credit in their own name, or claiming both ESA and DLA or a PIP in their own name, will be eligible for a bursary of up to £1,200 to support them during their studies. Those eligible for free school meals (from low income households and young carers) may also be able to access financial support via the College Discretionary Bursary fund.
If you wish to apply - please click below for the online form
Reporting Student Absence
Below is a summary of our attendance policy and procedures. Please see the full attendance policy (this includes register marking).
We are committed to meeting our obligations in regard to college attendance by:
· Setting the expectation that attendance and punctuality is 100%.
· Acting early to address patterns of absence or those students identified as ‘at risk’ due to absence.
Reporting an absence
Students and parents must report absences using the links below before 8.30am:
· Using Student Portal or Parent Portal
Reporting to parents
· Absence for lessons is reported to parents/carers via text message.
· Parents/carers are notified of overall attendance via twice yearly parental reports.
· Parents/carers can access attendance via Parent Portal (see the website of how to access this).
Register Marking
· All students in attendance in a planned learning session are marked as present and this is a positive mark.
· A student who arrives late will be recorded as late on the register and the number of minutes late recorded, this is a positive mark, however lateness will be addressed.
· If a student is not in a lesson, they are marked absent.
· A student who has planned and agreed work experience will be marked with a positive mark.
· If a student is not in a lesson, they are marked absent.
· If a student is sick and the College is notified, then a ‘S’ mark is used in the register, this is however still a negative mark.
· If a student is not in a lesson, they are marked absent.
· If the College has been notified that the student has a medical reason, for example the hospital or doctor’s appointment, the register is marked with an ‘M’, however this is still a negative mark.
Parents Evenings
Shooters Hill Sixth Form College is pleased to announce that our Spring Term Parent’s Evening will take place on Wednesday 19th March between 1.30pm and 6.20pm.
This is your opportunity to speak to those teachers and support staff who are directly involved in your young person’s education. If you have any specific questions or concerns about your young person’s progress, this is a good time to raise them.
There are two ways to speak with the teachers on this day;
- A remote video call session- 1:30pm-4pm, sessions booked will be either 5 or 10 minutes, dependant on the subject
- In person at the College as face to face 4.30-7.30pm, sessions booked will be either 5 or 10 minutes, dependant on the subject
Appointments need to be made, for either of the above, using our booking system.
To book a subject appointment, please click the button below and enter the ‘Parent Login Code’ that you received via SMS. You will also need to enter your child’s date of birth and your email address.
The ability to book appointments will be made available a week before the evening and login codes will be sent via text to parents/guardians. The booking system will not be made live until then.
If this is not successful and you require further assistance, please contact Phoebe Slade on phoebe.slade@shc.ac.uk and she will help you to book an appointment.
Parent Pro-Portal
If you are not yet on the parent Pro-Portal please click here, then ‘Submit an Account Request’ and follow the steps.
This portal will allow you to keep track of your child's attendance, progress and achievement.
For guidance on how to use Pro-Portal, please use the attachment below.
Mental Health & wellbeing
Students and parents can find further information here: www.shc.ac.uk/wellbeing
Exam information
Term Dates
Please click here to view our calendar and term dates.
Safeguarding Updates