Frequently asked questions
Q. I can't make my enrolment appointment, will I lose my place?
Please send us an email with the details. You'll need to visit as soon as you are back if you are away when you are due to enrol.
Q. I didn't receive my results from school, what should I do?
Please contact your school and collect your results before you come for enrolment.
Q. I'm homeschooled/I left school, so don't have any qualifications, can I still apply?
Absolutely, please let our welcome staff know that you are homeschooled when you arrive.
Q. I don't have the grades for the subject I want to do, should I pick it anyway?
Please select a course that is suitable both for your grades and interests. You can work towards getting the grades you need this year so you can select it next year. If you need advice, one of our advisors will be happy to assist you.
Q. I don't have the grades for the subject I want to do, but I'm getting them remarked, what shall I apply for?
We can only enrol you based on the grades you have now. Once you have your grades remarked you can speak to your teacher and see if it's possible to move to another course.
Q. I've changed the course I wanted to do since my interview. Do I need to reapply or have another interview?
There is no need to reapply or attend another interview, just let us know what new course you want to do when you arrive.
Q. I need additional learning support and have an EHCP, what should I do?
If you have not previously told us about your EHCP please let us know at enrolment so we can direct you to the EHCP team. If you have already told us, the team will already have your details and will be in touch shortly after enrolment with your support plan.
Q. Is it too late for my friend to apply to enrol?
Not at all, please ask them to pop in to see us during open enrolment.
Q. I have been invited to enrol for a course I didn't apply for, is this a mistake?
It could be a mix-up or a course name change. This won't affect your placement so let us know when you arrive for your appointment.