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The Board of Trustees is made up of representatives from the community, parents and from College staff. They work very closely with the Principal, Geoff Osborne, and his senior leadership team to ensure that students receive a quality education in a safe and welcoming environment.

Whatever course or programme that your young person undertakes at the College, we want to be sure that it is a quality experience with successful outcomes.

The Board of Trustees would like to encourage you to take an active part in your child's education by ensuring that attendance is good, there is a commitment to study and that you attend parents’ evenings and College events.

We are sure that your experience with the College will be a positive one.

Please contact Claire Holme, should you wish to get in contact with or require any further information from the Board of Trustees.


Trustee Documents

Articles of Association

Declarations of Interest

Meeting Attendance

Governing Body Structure & Committee Set-up 2024-25 


Mother A van den Hof (appointed 11 September 2019)          

Karen Hunter (re-appointed 8 July 2020)               

Denise Hyland (appointed on 24 May 2022)      

Spencer Drury (appointed on 5 July 2024)


Jacqueline Gray (re-appointed by Members 22 May 2023) - Chair from 8 July 2020)

Valliyappan Balaguru (re-appointed by Members 22 May 2023)

Dominic Scarlett (re-appointed by Members 22 May 2023)

Clive Mardner (re-appointed by Members 22 May 2023)

Pamela Morgan (Parent Trustee appointed 6 December 2022)

Ivis Williams (appointed, co-opted 17 January 2024)

Anthony Chan (Parent Trustee appointed 9 January 2024)

Nadine Hagen (appointed, 27 January 2025)

Elspeth Mary Geden (appointed, 27 January 2025)

Quality & Standards Committee:
Dominic Scarlett (Chair), Andy Stanley, Elspeth Geden

Finance & HR Committee:
Valliyappan Balaguru (Chair), (John) Dominic Scarlett, Pamela Morgan, Andy Stanley, Anthony Chan

Audit & Risk Committee:
Clive Mardner (Chair), Jackie Gray, Ivis Williams, Paul Proctor, Nadine Hagen

Performance & Pay Sub-Committee:
Dominic Scarlett (Chair), Jackie Gray, Clive Mardner

Nominations Committee

Jackie Gray (Chair), Clive Mardner

Link Trustees

Link Trustees

Employability – Andy Stanley

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Clive Mardner


High Needs – Pamela Morgan

Estates and Health and Safety – Andy Stanley

Safeguarding – Dominic Scarlett 


Digital Services – 

Trustees Term Length

Trustees are expected to serve a four-year term, Trustees may resign before the full four-year term if they so choose, Trustees are also free to run for another term.

Trustee Selection

Trustees are selected in accordance with DFE Academy Governance guidance. This includes appointment, peer recommendation, application or appointment via vote. Further information can be found in the Governance Arrangements attachment above.

Trustee Secure Area

Trustees have access to a secure environment on Governor Hub. 

You can find a copy of the Governance Handbook below as a downloadable attachment or by clicking this link.