Shooters Hill Sixth Form College affords students the flexibility to dress appropriately to the learning environment in which they are participating. In certain settings, it is necessary to impose some dress regulations based on health and safety. In addition, students are required to abide by any dress code regulations imposed by specific course programmes and individual placement providers. This Policy should also be read in conjunction with any dress codes for staff which may pertain and will serve as additional guidance to staff.
The College’s specific dress policies are set out below.
Students are not permitted to wear hoods up and must remove caps and hats when onsite, a Durag is permitted. Coats cannot be worn in classrooms or workshops. Headscarves may only be worn if the student has a genuine religious, cultural heritage or medical reason for this. All cases would be at the discretion of the Principal if any concerns were raised by teachers or fellow students. Students will be asked to remove or cover up items of clothing that contain offensive words, promote illegal activity or inappropriate views such as racism, homophobia or misogyny. Clothing should be appropriate for an adult learning environment and should not be overly revealing.
Health and Safety
In laboratories, workshops, studios, kitchens, outdoor education and similar teaching practice settings, students must ensure they are dressed in a manner appropriate to their environment. Generally:
Clothing: Must be comfortable. Shorts may not be permitted in laboratories for protection against any chemical spillage. Headscarves should be firm, secure safe and not interfere with the wearing of any personal protective equipment. Protective clothing such as overalls, lab coats eyewear or gloves will often be required to be worn and should be removed and placed or disposed of carefully when no longer required. If there is any risk of entanglement in moving parts of machinery, loose clothing must not be worn (e.g. sleeves, ties etc).
Footwear: Must be low heeled and should protect the feet should any chemical spillage occur. If there is a risk of a sharp or heavy object injuring the feet, then protective footwear will be required. Footwear appropriate for outdoor education activities and when using the college’s indoor sports facilities must be worn where indicated by supervising staff, failure to do so will prevent you taking place in the planned activities.
Jewellery: The wearing of jewellery must be in compliance with a health and safety risk assessment. There may be some activities where it will be necessary to remove jewellery (e.g. some sports activities, working with moving machinery where there is a risk of entanglement).
Hair: Long hair should be tied back/secured if there is a risk of entanglement in equipment or moving machinery or if prevention of contamination is required. Specific clothing requirements or restrictions will be detailed on a risk assessment.
Individual placement providers
The College and all its students must abide by any dress code policy determined by individual placement providers which usually cover student placements and trainees. Students must check any limitations as part of their placement search and allocation.
Students must bring their Shooters Hill Sixth Form student identity card to each examination. Aside from any restrictions imposed by professional bodies, candidates sitting an examination may be required to remove any facial covering for the purposes of visual identification. Students must co-operate with staff and minimise any wider disruption to exam arrangements.
Security/identification All students are expected to wear their identification cards on site at all times. Identification photographs must show the full face. The identity of students can be verified at any time by any member of staff and students are expected to adhere to this request.
Breaches of regulations and/or complaints Breaches to this policy could amount to misconduct within the Behaviour policy and disciplinary action may follow accordingly. Repeated failure to remove hoods when inside the college building may result in a student being banned from wearing clothing with a hood when on the college site.
Any complaints can be raised through the College’s normal complaints procedure.