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Recently, the Inclusive Learning department opened their brand new sensory room.

The sensory room is in place to help the students not only broaden their awareness of their senses, but to also provide them with an area to relax when they feel stressed.

Multi-Sensory Environments, or sensory rooms, have been proven to improve the development of thought, intellegence and social skills.

As well as this, sensory rooms offer those with cognitive impairments the opportunity to enjoy and control a variety of sensory experiences.

Our Inclusive Learning students have felt like they have really benefited from the sensory room so far, and are making use of all of its facilities.

Govenors and staff are pleased that the sensory room has finally taken place after much discussion and thought during the parents' forum and numerous meetings; and are also delighted that students are enjoying the sensory room.

Take a look at our sensory room and the facilites within it below: