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Dear Parent or Carer,

RE: COVID-19 home testing

Covid-19 testing kits are now available to students from security at the front gate. 

There is a total of seven test within the pack and an instruction booklet on how to administer and report them. If your young person would like guidance or assistance administering the test, please ask them to visit student services.

The test should be undertaken twice a week and we recommend the following days that will take them to the end of the Easter holidays. We will then wait government guidelines and instructions on any further actions to be taken.

If your young person tests positive, then please notify the college as a matter of urgency by emailing to enable us to take any action necessary with the persons peer group.

This process is not compulsory, but we strongly recommend that this is carried out in order to track and trace the COVID virus and to reduce the transmission rate.

Yours sincerely

Geoff Osborne -Vice Principal