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January Examinations

5th January 2021

Dear Parent/Carer(s)

In response to the Government’s announcement yesterday regarding the current lockdown, I write to confirm the arrangements for students attending examinations at Shooters Hill Sixth Form College over the next few weeks.

Currently all public examinations in January are scheduled to go ahead as planned as recommended by government.  However, exams may be cancelled by individual colleges if they wish to do so. We have decided to continue with the examinations and give parents and students the choice to decide to attend or not. 

If you choose to sit the exam, we recommend that students undertake a COVID test prior to the examination, but this is not compulsory. Face coverings are also recommended in the examination, but these are also not compulsory.

There are several examinations taking place throughout January in a range of subjects and these will go ahead as planned with social distancing measures in place. For your information, we are following the government guidance on running examinations during the pandemic. This information can be found here.

Please ask your young person to read and be aware of the safer travel guidance if taking public transport.

For reassurance the examination setting will be thoroughly cleaned in accordance to the guidance both before and after the exams take place.

If your young person in consultation with yourself decide not to attend the exam or your young person is isolating or has tested positive for COVID, then there will be an opportunity to sit the exam at a later date. If this applies you must notify us on

Yours sincerely

Mr Geoff Osborne

Vice Principal